Frequently Asked Questions
What Is VECA?
VECA stands for Venice East Community Association. Venice East is our neighborhood of 902 homes established in the early ’60s. In 1964 an association was formed to better the community and create neighborly bonds. In 2024 we are celebrating our 60th year! We have four meetings per year for our members plus a holiday party in November and are always looking for volunteers for different things in the community. Please reach out if you’d like to know what you can do!
No. VECA is NOT an HOA. It is a voluntary community association run by a board of volunteer directors. Members pay annual dues, which fund activities as well as such things as lighting and landscaping at the front entrance.
As an association VECA does NOT have the right to enforce Sarasota County rules on how people keep their lawns and vehicles or how much noise they make. We are more of a social association trying to bring neighbors together and beautify our little community.
Should a resident have a county complaint they can visit the Sarasota County website or call #311.
Are dues and membership mandatory?
No. Joining VECA is voluntary. We encourage membership to continue funding the community benefits that we all enjoy.
How much are the dues, and what do we get for that?
Annual dues are $40 per household, which comes to only 11 cents per day! Here is how the dues are used:
Continued upkeep of the sign, landscaping, and lighting at the main entrance from US 41. Sarasota County does not contribute to the maintenance of the entrance in any way. The upkeep and lighting are made possible only by the members’ dues. Without VECA and its members, those nighttime lights would go dark.
Upkeep of the welcome sign and its surrounding area at the north entrance on Venice East Blvd.
Four scheduled membership meetings, held in January, March, May, and September.
A community holiday party in November, as well as holiday decorations at the main entrance.
Two community yard sales per year, with notice going out to surrounding areas.
If available funding allows, a $500 scholarship for one graduating senior from a member household per year.
The board members are volunteers and do not receive any kind of compensation for their service to the community. They work continuously behind the scenes to keep VECA going.
Why should the Venice East Community Association be kept going?
Maintaining and expressing a sense of pride in Venice East has been a hallmark of the community ever since VECA’s founding in 1964. The association and its members have continually stressed the importance of improving and caring for Venice East and enjoying neighborhood social gatherings too. Without VECA and its members, there would be no entrance lights to welcome us throughout the night, no planned events to foster a sense of community, no way to let others know that Venice East is not just a shortcut street between two busy roads but rather a community filled with people who care for—and about—the place they call home. That would be a loss for us all.
How do I apply for the scholarship?
There are several qualifications including the household being a VECA member, the applicant being a Venice high school senior who will be attending an accredited college, and more. Please request an application for all the specifics.
When are the advertised community yard sales?
VECA advertises twice a year for our yard sales. They are held the first weekend of March and November (Friday to Sunday)